diumenge, 29 de maig del 2016

SELF-EVALUATION: Oral presentation about: unequal distribution of wealth in the world

This is the last term and me and Yassin we have done other oral presentation relacionated with global issues about Unequal distribution of wealth in the wrold . We decided talk about this theme because is a factor that also afect generally everyperson of the world can affect more or less but someway we affect.

In general this term I' think that have iproved more respect another terms.

First of all I start talking about the prezi, the concret presentation this prezi also I think that have been more work than another prezis from first and second term, otherwise the image of prezi this time have been a different image more adult and more ordenated.

 Haven't been the typical prezi only images and many colours and nothing more, no this prezi have somecolour and have many images but also have a different structure and how I said before more ordened.

Now I' can talk about body language, the pronunciation, the personal script in general. Every student who have do a oral presentation in fornt of the class is nervious but we have think that is only a oral presentation. And I'think that my script was in my heat but with nerves I couldn't remember my things and sometimes have saw the paper and this in the same moment I didn't pronunce very well  it's true that maybe somewords I' invented because I'didn't want see the paper constantly.

Finally my evaluation is this:

Creativity: 0,5

Structure: 1

Content: 3

Language: 0,8

Body anguage: 1

Pronunciation: 0,5

Final mark: 6,8


First part :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3MZp6Ez1hE

Second part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgmrPXwuxOI

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