diumenge, 29 de maig del 2016


I  went more times in the cinema but the last times when I went to see a film The Martian was spectacular film. I went to the cinemawith my friends because we celebrated a birthday of our friend and he decides see these film.

The Martian is a nice film and is very worked because have a special effects fantastics. The principal protagonist of the film is Matt Damon and the script his name is Mark Watney. He goes to The Mart with his work friends with the Ares III tripulation ship because have a concret mision.

But while the are in these different planet the weather is complicate and generate a dust storm and this disaster are obligated access to the ship and cover of this meterelogical desaster. But Mark Watney is hit with a antenna and friends think who is dead and they return to the planet earth. 

After Mark Watney isn't dead but stay unconscious, he recuperates of hit and see is only human in the planet. He starts a new live and with his scientifics knowledge, and also he is botanical engineer can survives and plant potatoes with excrements of his firends and he produces water because calculates that he has a food to only 309 days and need give a missage to special base of planet earth because the tripulants come to find he.


In my opinon recommend these film because is very well done and the story is really spectacular see how a human person can survive another planet without anyperson more and see what does he doing for eat and for prduce water and the special effects, and also the music or the graphic spaces are really wonderful.

Resultat d'imatges de the martian

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