After of PP , came PSOE;Partido, socialista, obrero, español, that politic team theoretically is a socialist team and has a lefist ideology. Contrary with pp because has a right-wing ideology. Two others teams more was latest of PSOE and PP that were Podemos and Ciudadandos.
The most votated in Spain was PP but not for majority differents political teams had pact between them with the finality built a new governement for the country. PP and PSOE logically have a differents ideas and we didn't see a new pact but we could see future pact with PSOE and Podemos. The socialist team didn't want pact with Podemos because they are agree with a referendum in Catalonia.
Finally anyteam has been agree with other political team and the next June twenty-six will turn ver new elections for Spain, and a lot of people wait that some team will agree to do a new governement.
Personal opinion:
In my opinion I think that in Spain there isn't a really democracy because they don't want who Catalonia decide for our future, doing a referendum,how for example UK permited a referendum of Scotland because only in the really democracy countries happend this things and Spain is demostring that isn't a democracy country.

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