diumenge, 29 de maig del 2016

SELF-EVALUATION: Oral presentation about: unequal distribution of wealth in the world

This is the last term and me and Yassin we have done other oral presentation relacionated with global issues about Unequal distribution of wealth in the wrold . We decided talk about this theme because is a factor that also afect generally everyperson of the world can affect more or less but someway we affect.

In general this term I' think that have iproved more respect another terms.

First of all I start talking about the prezi, the concret presentation this prezi also I think that have been more work than another prezis from first and second term, otherwise the image of prezi this time have been a different image more adult and more ordenated.

 Haven't been the typical prezi only images and many colours and nothing more, no this prezi have somecolour and have many images but also have a different structure and how I said before more ordened.

Now I' can talk about body language, the pronunciation, the personal script in general. Every student who have do a oral presentation in fornt of the class is nervious but we have think that is only a oral presentation. And I'think that my script was in my heat but with nerves I couldn't remember my things and sometimes have saw the paper and this in the same moment I didn't pronunce very well  it's true that maybe somewords I' invented because I'didn't want see the paper constantly.

Finally my evaluation is this:

Creativity: 0,5

Structure: 1

Content: 3

Language: 0,8

Body anguage: 1

Pronunciation: 0,5

Final mark: 6,8


First part :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3MZp6Ez1hE

Second part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgmrPXwuxOI


I  went more times in the cinema but the last times when I went to see a film The Martian was spectacular film. I went to the cinemawith my friends because we celebrated a birthday of our friend and he decides see these film.

The Martian is a nice film and is very worked because have a special effects fantastics. The principal protagonist of the film is Matt Damon and the script his name is Mark Watney. He goes to The Mart with his work friends with the Ares III tripulation ship because have a concret mision.

But while the are in these different planet the weather is complicate and generate a dust storm and this disaster are obligated access to the ship and cover of this meterelogical desaster. But Mark Watney is hit with a antenna and friends think who is dead and they return to the planet earth. 

After Mark Watney isn't dead but stay unconscious, he recuperates of hit and see is only human in the planet. He starts a new live and with his scientifics knowledge, and also he is botanical engineer can survives and plant potatoes with excrements of his firends and he produces water because calculates that he has a food to only 309 days and need give a missage to special base of planet earth because the tripulants come to find he.


In my opinon recommend these film because is very well done and the story is really spectacular see how a human person can survive another planet without anyperson more and see what does he doing for eat and for prduce water and the special effects, and also the music or the graphic spaces are really wonderful.

Resultat d'imatges de the martian

NEWS 3- New elections in Spain

Last year few days before we shoud start a new year, concretlly in December twenty in Spain did  elections for choose a new president of the country. For votes the won el partido popular d'España or also is known for initials "PP".

After of PP , came PSOE;Partido, socialista, obrero, español, that politic team theoretically is a socialist team and has a lefist ideology. Contrary with pp because has a right-wing ideology. Two others teams more was latest of PSOE and PP that were Podemos and Ciudadandos.

The most votated in Spain was PP but not for majority differents political teams had pact between them with the finality built a new governement for the country. PP and PSOE logically have a differents ideas and we didn't see a new pact but we could see future pact with PSOE and Podemos. The socialist team didn't want pact with Podemos because they are agree with a referendum in Catalonia.

Finally anyteam has been agree with other political team and the next June twenty-six will turn ver new elections for Spain, and a lot of people wait that some team will agree to do a new governement.

Personal opinion:

In my opinion I think that in Spain there isn't a really democracy because they don't want who Catalonia decide for our future, doing a referendum,how for example UK  permited a referendum of Scotland because only in the really democracy countries happend this things and Spain is demostring that isn't a democracy country.

NEWS 2- Labor reform in France

Last days in France is happening terrible things because the governement want do a new labor reform in the European country. Twenty years late return a agresive and desesperate France for the new laboral project.

Since 1995 in France didn't see a powerboats without combustible or refineries blocked and also hundred of thousands protesters for a new labor reform in France. In 1995 the demonstrations was the same of now because the governement origined a new security social reform. And majority of french people didn't agree with they.

Currently the president of France he's Hollande have aproved a new labor reform and that reform wasn't in the electoral programme. A lot of people are very angry with he and only 15% of habitans are agree with Hollande.

In the demonstration there are a lot of people dividided in many different classes. Pivieged are a majority people who have better live conditions than other people, after estudiants who also protesting for that reform because will afect in the future,after indignates is another classe and finally thugs only fight with the police and they destroy many diferents public services.

Personal opinion:

In my opinion I agree that the french people organitze a demonstrations because the governement only can or is a method cause listen the habitants of the country. We don't forget that French is a republic house and ever procur the habitant conditions, and also doing a sabotage is a method because the governement change quickly to a best future for the country.

NEWS 1- Sports: The final of champions league

Last night, disputed the final of the champions legue in Milan stadium the country of these citiy is Italia. Finalists of these league were Real de Madrid and Atletico de Madrid. During this week every medium of comunication informed about that match relized yesterday.

The first part Real Madrid puts European champion because Sergio Ramos was do the first goal in the match. From the minute 15 of first part and to the minute 79 of the second part Real Madrid could say that was a winner. But in the minute 79 Carrasco Ferreira did the second goal of the match and the first goal favorable in Atletico.

Finally football equips finished the match with 1-1 and they did a extended for cut the equalization of the goals and only one can do another goal and are a European champion. While they was playing the prorroga anyteam did the goal and finally the result was decide to penalties. Real Madrid maked every penalti but Atletico concretlly Juanfran fail the fifth and after Cristiano hit the ball and he did a decisive goal, and the final result was 5-3 favorable for Real Madrid

Personal Opinion:

My football team is FC Barcelona but this year has been elimiated for Atletico because have played more well than Barça. Atletico fought in everymatch but in a final only play the best teams and in my opinion I think that he have resisted but in these case Real Madrid have been better.

YOUR SAY 6- The most visited museum in Catalonia

There are a lot f museums in Catalonia, specifically in Barcelona, but another places also there is a wonderfuls museums for example the museum Dalí of Figueres, but the most visited museu in Catalonia is the FC Barcelona's museum.

In the last years have been the most visited in Catalonia but iin Spain I don't know. It's true that the FC Barcelona is very famous in the world but maybe someperson prefer for visit to Sagrada família or la pedrera. But the FC Barcelona's museum is the most visited.

This have a logic thing because the football sport is very famous in the world and have muh competitiveness and we coul say is the most sport with more competitiveness. However the fotball team currently has the best football player in the world he is Lionel Andres Messi. There are peple that maybe don't like football but only go because is the best team in the world and this even they don't like the sport is spectacular can visit this museum.

Finally also majority of people visit the museum because like football and visit the musuem because is very specially for they and even more for those people who not only like football also like barça and are part of the fans.

Resultat d'imatges de museu fc barcelona   Resultat d'imatges de museu fc barcelona

YOUR SAY 5- One piece

Always remember the firstday when I was little and I started see one of my favourites TV series i this case is One Piece. Is a anime serie and comes of a Japan direction and is very wonderful for me. My firsts chapters of One piece I saw when I'm  sven years old because I' could see for TV 3.

After while go throught the time TV3 didn't publish maore chapers and a lot of people dind't want that this Tv serie disappear of catalan television because is very famous and is one of the anime series most popular in the world. But a lot of people continued see One piece for internet and few years ago oter channels publish that tv serie in the television.

When everychannel in general left this serie I decided see for internet in anime websites and currently this Tv serie has more than seven hundred chapters and every week publish a new chapter in the internet. The only disadvantatge of the on-line methood is that the new chapters are subtitulated because are in original idiom. I'think that now more recent chapters only are to internet.

YOUR SAY 4- Life without computer games?

The tecnology in the world have been advancing. Before, the firsts games were many rudimentaries. The one of games business was a microsoft with her owner Bill Gates.   But when invented computers even dind't exist games more avanceds and enhanced than now actually.

Now the computer games aare better than before and will be the bests. The computer games, majorallity now on-line and with concept the player can meet with other layers that they can form different countries. The mst famosu or the most played on the world is League of legends.

Finally in my opinion I can't live wthout computer games because I play a lot of time with myy friends, and I know that am addicted but you have a control. Also with the new games and with the on-line factor, a lot of peopleto eran money because there are a games team and they organize championships arround the world for example fnatic team.

dissabte, 28 de maig del 2016

YOUR SAY 1- My journey in Austria and Germany with my history class

Few months ago after easter me and my class, we did a workng journey in Austria and Germany. Even remember that fantastic working journey with my friends when we were in the airport and caucht the airplane and flew first to Bratislava.

When we arrived in Bratislava we took a bus direcction to Austria. We went with four schools more; Cendrassos,Narcís Monturiol,Olivar gran, and Vilafant. The journey was relacionated with concentration camps and everything relacionated with the nazism time.

The first day we went to Mauthausen is a concentration field very famous in Europe. Everything that we saw in the field were very impacting because were things happened in the real life and very heavys. But Austrian Country is veru beautifull and very great. Only one night we were there.

Other days we stayed in Germany concretlly in Munich and there we also were visited other concentration fields and a castles relacionated with the nazism.

Fially the journey was very fun and espectacular because we have a free time in Munich and is really beautifull citiy, while we were in free time went to lunch in a fantastics restaurants or went to the shopping in the city.