Call of duty black ops 3 is for most people the great game of the year because a lot of people was wait to that left on sale. The black ops is a shooter game and before the company "Activision" has done a diferents call of dutys. The first game was in 2004 and the title was Call of duty.
But recently have gone two developers balck ops and modern warfare. There is people that like more a one developer that other. First came out black ops, black ops 2 and now black ops3. Modern warfare 4,modern warfare 2 and modern warfare3.
Every year the developers has publicited one diferent game. Nomally every black ops has had much fame and the diference of de other two black ops is that this the caimpaing mode you can play with your friends instead of individual. The great thing that black ops have is a zombie mode and you can play online or you also can play online a normal mode on inside of normal game there are a diferents game modes.
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