Seems strange but is really true, the best restaurant in the world is in Girona "El celler de can Roca" really close. Since Bulli restaurant was close, this restaurant has been the best of the world.
"El celler dee can Roca" is a restaurant has been composed by three brothers. The Roca's brothers. Joan Roca, Josep and Jordi. they have three michelin starts and actually even is the best restaurant in the world. Everyone do a diferent task. Josep is the sommelier, Jordi is the baker.
If you go in the restaurant you have to reserve table with time when they open online lists and after give table hence to a year. The price's menu is about 120€ for person. The three brothers everyday go to lunch in the restaurant's mother that is "Can Roca". Must be espectacular can go in the brother's restaurant because must have a excellent food.

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