dijous, 10 de novembre del 2016


The music for me is one part of my life, I'think that I' couldn't live without music because if something can say is since I' was born belive that the music like me. I'like sing and also listen to music. 

And these post want to say that one of my favourite music groups is Pawn Gang. These music group is based on trap. Everysing is in catalan because is composed of differents boys that they live in Barcelona and singing in the street.

Relativity few years who only these group were created by everyboy. All of music who is created by Pawn Gang you can find on youtube. I'think that they few months released a CD and you can see on these plataform. Finally many people meet these group because everyday grew more than yesterday but a little by little. Depending which sing have more of 500.000 views.

Personal opinion:

I' think that these music group will be more famous than they are currently, and maybe I' don't know but could be possible who they do concerts to different places of Catalonia.
Resultat d'imatges de pawn gang

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