divendres, 21 d’octubre del 2016


We can see a lot of videos posted on youtube. These plataform to see a different content of videos for example sings, laughts,gameplays, etc...These variety of videos give entertainment to a different people.

Is a plataform world famous to different people of the world. And the last six years aproximately many people have been known to do different videos in your channel and they have recived more vissits to videos. And I' say last six years because some youtubers have started recive money to do a videos for these plataform.

Currently we known of these case for example Pewdiepie, elrubius, Auronplay,etc. Everyone of these only dedicate exclusively post to differents videos on youtube and everymnth recive X quantity of money, depending everyone of your partner who have in youtube, but the most famous in the world can recive large quantities of money.

Personal Opinion:

In my opinion I' think that if you want be youtuber when your start for first time can't think how money will recive to everymonth, because everybody can have a youtube channel but after will be succed is more difficult.

Resultat d'imatges de youtubeResultat d'imatges de youtubers españoles

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