divendres, 21 d’octubre del 2016

YOUR SAY 1- Summer

When we were finish the final examos of school in June we were start the summer. Firstly the week where was St Joan me and my class fiends went to the camping in l'Escala. His name is Cala Mongó and we were there 5 days and we celebrated St Joan in the beach.

In the other hand I' have been working with my father in the farm fro Monday to Friday every week to finish August. My father give me aditional hollydays, for example when was summer party in Castelló I' didn't work Monday because even was hollydays in my village.

Finally also I' celebrated another year more the famous medievals who is celebrated early of September in Castelló and Empuriabrava. I' have been with my friends walkinf for the people and at night also with friends and people of Castelló until much later during the festival of terra de trobadors.

Personal opinion:

I'think that these summer have done a lot of things with a lot of profit because also wroking with my father I'know new things that before I' didnn't know. And finally also I' could say that these summer have been one of the best summers of my life.


We can see a lot of videos posted on youtube. These plataform to see a different content of videos for example sings, laughts,gameplays, etc...These variety of videos give entertainment to a different people.

Is a plataform world famous to different people of the world. And the last six years aproximately many people have been known to do different videos in your channel and they have recived more vissits to videos. And I' say last six years because some youtubers have started recive money to do a videos for these plataform.

Currently we known of these case for example Pewdiepie, elrubius, Auronplay,etc. Everyone of these only dedicate exclusively post to differents videos on youtube and everymnth recive X quantity of money, depending everyone of your partner who have in youtube, but the most famous in the world can recive large quantities of money.

Personal Opinion:

In my opinion I' think that if you want be youtuber when your start for first time can't think how money will recive to everymonth, because everybody can have a youtube channel but after will be succed is more difficult.

Resultat d'imatges de youtubeResultat d'imatges de youtubers españoles

NEWS 1- Mo Farah and Usain Bolt among IAAF World Athlete of the Year contenders

The Britain's Olympic champion Moba Fara is one of three athletes that follow in the place of men's IAAF World Athlete of the Year award. The Farah'sobhevtive is compete to Usain Bolt to be better than he, and if he can, he want fight with South Africa's start of 400m  Wayde van Niekerk.

Moba Farha is 33 years old and the awaards will be presented in Monaco on 2 December. The three athletes of different caategory who they have pre-selected be origiated of a list with ten participants that be athletes too.

Farah realized greats results last competition in Rio when he did the "double" with 5.000 m and 10.000 m Oympic titles in Rio.

Bolt sealed the Triple 'in Rio, winning his third Olympic title in the 100 meters, 200 meters and 4x100 meters, while Van Niekerk became the first man to run sub-10 seconds 100 meters under 20 years for 200 meters and sub-44 400 meters, breaking the world record of 17 years of Michael Johnson on his way to Olympic gold.

LINK: http://www.bbc.com/sport/athletics/37927540

Mo Farah


Hi Lourdes!

How are you? I'm Miquel Duñach of second batxillerat and the other day approximately one week in the english class we saw a Barack Obama's video relacionated with the school motivation.

I think that each person has their objectives and also the way to do possible these objectives. We are studients and we have different objectives that we would like to make real. Firstly need a motivation, concretely a school motivation becasue in the future we will arrive very far.

My objective is to finish batxillerat and start a new stage, the stage university and meet new people, do things that I really like. All these things need hard work rare and get a motivation, because the things don't come alone, anyone give something for you and finally you think that try to fight the time passesIt isn'tdifficult to get motivated,the difficult is to find when we see examples, they help us to believe

Barack Obama is currently president of United States, anyway has little time to leave charge. But I'm sure that he  had his own reasons  to arrive where currently is, because he has been one of the few people from Africa ruling the richest.

Finally I find a sentence of Obama that say "You have to let your failures teach you" and it's really true because if we knew failures we would know triumphs. And we are living very hard time for different reasons  for example the job is low, a lot of people only think money money and money and without motivations maybe will be very dificult to reach our objectives.