My research project is about the place names of Castelló d' Empúries and is divided into three parts. Theoretical part, practical part, and finally my conclusions. Firstly I have explained the mean of Onomastic science and toponomy. After, that I classificed the place names. Secondly I have collected every place name of Castelló with the help of topographyc mans and also I have asked people who live in Castelló to give me more information about all of them.
diumenge, 12 de març del 2017
[Miquel, Norden and Aina, a group of three friends, were sitting on a table into a bar. They haven’t seen each other for a long time, thus they decide to explain themselves what are their future plans: what they are going to study at university, with whom they are going to share flat next years, etc.]
-Aina: Hi guys! What’s going on?
-Norden: Hello Aina, I’m doing well but I’m tired of my TDR and what’s up with you, Miquel?
-Miquel: I’m fine too, but I don’t want to do the TDR, it is such a long work…
-Aina: Yes I agree with you. I’ think we are in the same nightmare! I have been doing a little bit of my TdR project and I have to say that, even it is a hard work and a heavy one, I am learning lots of things, and overall, I am knowing new points of view about social media world and life. Incidentally, do you already know what are you going to do in a few months?
-Norden: I would like to do something connected with sports. Maybe CAFEM, an education cycle. I have been always passionately in sports, since I was little. I have been practising taekwondo and it has taught me many things in live. Success usually demands commitment, so you can apply these values in other aspects of life. Also you learn how to focus in something and fight for your goals, to not give up even when going gets tough, among others. It can sound a little far out, but trust me when I tell you that sports can contribute in many daily life situations.
-Miquel: You have became an authentic philosopher, haven’t you? It becomes clearer to me everyday, what I want to do. I will go to university and try to get an history degree. This is what I feel so comfortable with. I love history because I like to know our past, you can become a worship person and history is where all comes from. I like to know who faced the music when thing turn into the worst situation and whom fled. So I think it can be interesting and useful in the future, and my opinion is that everybody should have a minimal knowledge of our past.
-Aina: They both seem to be great ideas. In my case, I would also want to go to university, Pompeu Fabra University, and get a business degree. Even I am not enjoying at all business subject this year, because of selectivity pression, I know I was born for numbers and for manage money. I can spend our in front of a paper doing monetary calculations and having new ideas of products that can stand out in the market. So, meeting myself requirements, I think going to Pompeu Fabra, the best university in economic area, I can learn a mount of new concepts.
-Miquel: Ow! Brilliant. Maybe we will meet there. Are you going to share a flat?
-Aina: Yes. It can be a really good experience and you can know the most deepest part of you. I mean, find out parts you don’t even know about yourself, your weaknesses and you strengths, etc. Maybe, I’m not pretty sure, I will share it with Mariona Isern, from 2nd Batxillerat A. Do you know her?
-Miquel: Yes, Of course! I also want to share flat with my colleagues . I want to change my lifestyle: go out to parties, meet new people, concentrate on studies and live the life.
-Aina: Hahahahah! I see that you are looking forward to it, aren’t you? Actually, I would go so far as to say that those are the plans all teenagers are waiting for impatiently.
-Norden: Hey! I’m still here! Do you want to know about me or shall I leave?
-Norden: Waiter can you give me some water, please?
Waiter: Yes, sure! “What an annoying group” .
-Miquel: No, no. Don’t be impatient: Tell us about you.
-Norden: Hahaha! Ok. So as you said before, I also want to live the life . So I think I’ll find someone who I could share a flat with and I also want to keep going to gym everyday so i can keep my body in perfect conditions like I’m doing now. Then I’ll come here, to Riumors, with the family, at the weekends, to remember the old times . You are going to come to your family houses too, aren’t you?
-Aina: Yes, family will always be here, so we must come back every weekend just to remember them that they have to clean our clothes hahahha.
No, that’s a joke. If we want to be independent, we have to clean our things.
-Miquel: I absolutely agree with you guys. I think I have to go. It was really good to see you and talk with you. See you soon.
-Norden: Good bye Miquel. See you next day
-Aina: See you Miquel, don’t drink too much tonight at new year party.
NEWS 3- SPORTS: Maria Sharapova
The female tennis player from Russia Maria Sharapova will be suspended of federation where she was play. Sharapova have been five times Grand Slam winner and now has leave this favourite sport. The reason to She leaves tennis because She took a drug that was overwritten in 1 of january.
This drug the medical team anuncied that anyone take a drug because was a bad drug and had a dopping efects. Sharapova did a sponsor nike and she recibed a lot of money to ads and also when played tennis only relatively little and now has left tennis.
Maria Sharapova recognize that has make a mistake so waits that the tennis team within four years give the trust to play tennis again.
Personal opinion:
In my opinio I found good the penalitation of four years without play tennis because this way is how the people learn the lesson and recognize that in this moment we can wrong and the same way we can correct the errors. In the other part I belive that don't worry because in this world the sports players earn much and Maria Sharapova with tennis money and the publish that have done for nike could life all the life.
This drug the medical team anuncied that anyone take a drug because was a bad drug and had a dopping efects. Sharapova did a sponsor nike and she recibed a lot of money to ads and also when played tennis only relatively little and now has left tennis.
Maria Sharapova recognize that has make a mistake so waits that the tennis team within four years give the trust to play tennis again.
Personal opinion:
In my opinio I found good the penalitation of four years without play tennis because this way is how the people learn the lesson and recognize that in this moment we can wrong and the same way we can correct the errors. In the other part I belive that don't worry because in this world the sports players earn much and Maria Sharapova with tennis money and the publish that have done for nike could life all the life.
NEWS 2- BUSSINES: Zara company
Is teh company with the most beneficial currently and have decides if the company continuing increasing the sales give a extra bonus for every worker. The extra bonus that they give these seventy thousand workers will be of five hundred euros approximately.
The principal owner of Inditex Amancio Ortega is one of the richest in the world with the greats benefits that he has done with the clothing and other accessories.
Personal opinion:
In my opinion I found it's good give a extra bonus for these seventy thousand workers because this way can motivate the work personal and the behavior the worker with boss will be nice and the sales could increase more because the workers will be more pendent with the work and with more participations could sell more.
NEWS 1- Science: New fossil reptile discovered in Brazil
Relatively recently, have descovered a reptile fossil in Brazil and is known for Teyujaua. The scientists say that fossil was live in Brazil more than 250 milon years and is a extraordinary fossil that they have discovered. Teyjuana was desappear before appear the dinosaurus.
In this moment was appear a great extension of animals that was finish with the lot of diferents species in Brazil. This "fierce lizard" say who formed part of a one family who gave origin to waht today we as humans know a dinosaurus,crocodiles, and birds.
Many doctors of Unevirsities of Brazil say that this fossil reptile discovered in South-America maybe could form part of a important family know as "archosauriforms" and They are very satisfed for find that fossil in the world, in this case localitzed in Brazil.
Personal Opinion:
I think that is very interesting this project because many people tought before of a famous specie that is dinosaurus didn't exist any specie so aweasome and now the scienscists when have said that was a reptile older than dinosaurius it's incredible.
So I' belive that they are very proud for discover that new fossil in Brazil and give know around the world the new reptile that was die 250 milion years ago.
In this moment was appear a great extension of animals that was finish with the lot of diferents species in Brazil. This "fierce lizard" say who formed part of a one family who gave origin to waht today we as humans know a dinosaurus,crocodiles, and birds.
Many doctors of Unevirsities of Brazil say that this fossil reptile discovered in South-America maybe could form part of a important family know as "archosauriforms" and They are very satisfed for find that fossil in the world, in this case localitzed in Brazil.
Personal Opinion:
I think that is very interesting this project because many people tought before of a famous specie that is dinosaurus didn't exist any specie so aweasome and now the scienscists when have said that was a reptile older than dinosaurius it's incredible.
So I' belive that they are very proud for discover that new fossil in Brazil and give know around the world the new reptile that was die 250 milion years ago.
Film review
I have chosen this film, that is "The impossible" and now I going to explain what is it about and is based in a real history. Is one spanish family, who they go to Tailand for christmas holydays. When the family arrive on the hotel, they are swim in the pool when while a tsunami start a reaction.
Everybody are cry because the tsunami breaks everything and the family can save but isn't together becasue apear in a diferents places. They are three boys and the parents, but the oldest brother is with mother and the others boys is with father wounded for the reacction's tsunami.
Personal opinion:
In my opinion this film is very beautiful and it's been very famous in the world. Has had a diferents awards, for example goya's awards for the best sounds and more. But is sad and many people when was waching the film they cried a lot and I personally recomened wach this film because is wonderful.
YOUR SAY 6- Manga lounge
Exactly one month ago I went to the Brcelona becasue me and my other friend went to see Manga lounge celebrated ins Barcelona concretlly source of Monjuic. We left Castelló at nine o'clock and we was arrive in Barcelona at half past ten.
When we arrived in Barcelona were waiting an hour and a half before to enter the lounge. While were waiting I see a diferent people wearing a diferents cosplays of the diferents Tv series or the diferents video game characters. For example the League of legends or people wearing of One piece.
Was a wondreful day because this things you don't see everyday and only do a one time of year and when you see and like a manga's series or a video games so is interesing. And also inside of lounge a 90% of people is wearing and there are a diferents shops that sell diferents things that you can buy and is very espectacular.
YOUR SAY 5- My favourite cartoon
My favourite cartoon is "Slam Dunk", and when I was little saw every day less weekend because only did Monday to Friday. Slam dunk is a Japan serie and the character principal is Sakuragi. He is a college studient in first year and her friends also.
When he is in the college meets new people and a basketball team. Firstlly Sakuragi want to enter in the team but te capitain don't want enter because is a animal and doesn't know play. But Sakuragi do all he can because is accepted by basketball team.
Finally is accepted and they start the firsts trainigs but he do a basic things because don't have the same technique as other players and sfirst he has do a basic things. He complaints and after when he it knows more starts to a normal training with the other players. I would like that his cartoons returned to tv because is a great serie and many people like this.
YOUR SAY 4- Hardcore pawn
Many people know what is "Hardcore Pawn" but also there are many people that don't know why. Harcore pawn is a espectacular TV program. Is a famous program that doing in mega channel or also we can see trought to neox.
I really like this TV program because is a pawnshop very big and very famous situated in the city of Detroit. The name is "American Jewelry and Loan, and the owners are a family. The principal owner is Seth, after come his sons Les and Ashley.
The TV program is very entretained because in this shop everyday being discussed father and son or father and daughter, and also brother and sister. And is very laugh because you can see how discussed because eveeryone projected the shop their way and wold more eficient. This pawnshop have a great and very big storages latest of shop. They have very thing for sale and somethings very interestings, but especially this family have a lot of money with this pawnshop.
YOUR SAY 3- The importance to have a job
The job could have a good things and bad things, but we need to adapt in our labral work.
First of all a job is necessary to live in the future but also we have tolook that wrok is a nice job. Currently is a countries it is a luchy thaat the people could say who a job because the crisisiss expaned in the world.
Secondly the job has many advantatges, for exampleyou work in the lawyear departament, or you are a history teacher because like you. The timetable is flexible and could have a free hours and sleep or stay with your family.
Finallyjobs boring thing for exmple if you work in a office or you are a director of a companyyou work alone and don't speak with people, or the extra hours you need revise a files in the house or sometimmes have to stay in the company because the work has acummuled.
First of all a job is necessary to live in the future but also we have tolook that wrok is a nice job. Currently is a countries it is a luchy thaat the people could say who a job because the crisisiss expaned in the world.
Secondly the job has many advantatges, for exampleyou work in the lawyear departament, or you are a history teacher because like you. The timetable is flexible and could have a free hours and sleep or stay with your family.
Finallyjobs boring thing for exmple if you work in a office or you are a director of a companyyou work alone and don't speak with people, or the extra hours you need revise a files in the house or sometimmes have to stay in the company because the work has acummuled.
YOUR SAY 2- Risk sports
Thereare many diferents types of risk sport and everyone is wonderful and very espectacular because is a only great experence.
The risk sports are differents sports and dn't have anyrelation for example with football, beisball, basketball etc. But have great things and disadvantatges.
Firstly everybody can practice this type of sports but everyone is practiced in a different natural spaces. And the most populars sport are in a stadium. Risk sports, for example climbing, mountaineening, parachuting and diving are more dangerous.
Secondly this types of sporrts we can't when never you want becasue generally depending of the climate. For example if you want to climbing in a tempest weather or when is snowing can be dangerous for your security and for you health.
Finally we know that risk the live but when practice this type of this sports you adrenaline up and live a only fantastic experience doing anyrisksport.
The risk sports are differents sports and dn't have anyrelation for example with football, beisball, basketball etc. But have great things and disadvantatges.
Firstly everybody can practice this type of sports but everyone is practiced in a different natural spaces. And the most populars sport are in a stadium. Risk sports, for example climbing, mountaineening, parachuting and diving are more dangerous.
Secondly this types of sporrts we can't when never you want becasue generally depending of the climate. For example if you want to climbing in a tempest weather or when is snowing can be dangerous for your security and for you health.
Finally we know that risk the live but when practice this type of this sports you adrenaline up and live a only fantastic experience doing anyrisksport.
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