divendres, 27 de març del 2015

Description of a place


Tokyo is the capital of Japan and the country is an island. Located in the east of Asia place.
Tokyo is very famous for this technology and also is very potencialy with injdustry.

There is a lot of pollution, people use  motocicles,cars,buses etc. Tokyo is also very important for the hard economy and its culture. The traditional food is rise and tea. The most popular places to visit are the temples, the central city or some shops.

I wold like to travel to this city because I love culture and the country.

Resultat d'imatges de tokyoResultat d'imatges de tokyo

Formal letter

Ice cream's beach
Shop of ice creams

Dear Mr Adam
To whon it my concern

I wold like to work is summer for two months, because I need a little bit of money. I went last weekend to the shop and the ice creams are delicious, and the quality is wonderful.

First of all, I wold like to know the timetables. I am ready to work every day.

I wold like to know your answer the sooner the better.

Yours faithfully

Miquel Duñach

dimecres, 4 de març del 2015

Diferencies from Frankenstein's book with Frankenstein's film

The first diferencie is tghat in the book Henry is Victor's friend since they were children, and in the film they are friends when Victor goes to the university.

In the book Elizabeth has a brown hair and in the film she has blonde hair.

Another diferencie is that in the book Victor has two brothers, Ernest and William. And the film onnly appears William.

In the book the monster goes and we don't know his end, and in the film he dies burned.

Finally in the book, the monster assasins Elizabeth and in the film she dies because the monster takes hes heart.

Resultat d'imatges de frankensteinResultat d'imatges de frankenstein

The rottweiler

The rottweiler dog is one of the most dangerous dogs in the world. I like how are this animal but is dangerous because can bite or in another circumstances can kill.

If you want this dog you be trained and don’t leave ever because can dangerous for the society. The rottweilersfor me are very beautifuls with brown and black colour that have normally. You cannot bring this animal anywhere and if you bring this dog in the street go with security and that cannot hurt nobody because can havem any problems.

Resultat d'imatges de rottweilerResultat d'imatges de rottweiler