Continuously in these world the technologies, the work ways chage everyday and how these also change the quotidian elements for example the toys for children. And nowadays the famous thing in the world is a andromeda named spinner. Looks like strange that a small thingor a easy thing to do be both famous.
Everyday in the social works, in the school, and in the live in general see that many people use these toy with differents caracteristics because have could see that there is spinners from 1 dolar until 5000 dolars aaproximately. Is not credible that these thing could arrive have a hight price but is these. Personally I' don't belive who everyone have a spinner of 5000 dolars may be 1 until 10 euros but no more.
These toy isn't only used for children have gone see colleague students with these thing, and with these I'don't want say that be a negative thing because the new things influence with a lot of people and I' think that things how these may be are not very importants but at east it isn't a phone or a technologic accessories.
Shut up and look
dissabte, 13 de maig del 2017
Grow faster
These title have many relation about now I' will explain because when you obtain "name" is incredible the big way where you can arrive. Supercell is if I' don't make mistake a game company very famous arround the world and may be to not say safely they generate a lot of benefits with the games.
Relativity few years these company put on the market a clash of clans, a mobil and tablet game that nowadays have 100 milion players. A lot of people and everyone of them from Spain, France, Turkey, Japan etc. If everyone of these players give a one dolarwith company everyday they will recibe 100 milion dolars, obiously that no everyone pay for it, but somepeople always do these and big quantity of players pay to win. And the other thing is the new game aproximately one or more of one year ago Clash royale.
Clash Royale come from supercell too and many influied by clash of clans and may be don't have many players how clash of clans but 50 milion players perfectly. And also generate a lot of benefits with these game for these reason read these title because when you recibe name to good work is more easy go ahead in these case with the new technologies.
Clash Royale come from supercell too and many influied by clash of clans and may be don't have many players how clash of clans but 50 milion players perfectly. And also generate a lot of benefits with these game for these reason read these title because when you recibe name to good work is more easy go ahead in these case with the new technologies.
School trip to London 2017
That year have traveled to magnifical europe citiy, and these is London, UK. These trip will be a unforgettable trip with my friends because may be we don't travel together again and have had take advantage maximlly these trip. Everybody know somethings about London specifically with the big-ben tower, the palace queen or also with the squirrels.
But London have more that these we cannot say who all be perfect because personally I will be lying but also have say that have aa lot of wonderful things. For example the food, fish and chips is a delicious food and more yet if you went a great restaurant but generally the fish and chips that I ate was delicious. Not only the food, the candem market was a fantastic and spectacular zone of the british capital. The ambient was spectacular, everyday all people when leave the work you saw that some people run or some people went in the shops etc. but always there were a lot fo people.
Finally the hostel where we were it was sepctacular and have a beautiful rooms. And the whether every day less first day did a great sunny and a lot of hot.
Txarango's new CD
Personally I love music, and think that lot of things that there are in these planet always have hav with me the music. I' haven't a concret style with these topic, anysteal for example pop,rock,reaggeton so nowadays is very popular that style everystyle I like them.
While I' like these I' don't have a problem to sing and may be is a 80's sings or may be is a reaggeton sing but if I like I sing and zero problems. But I' want speak about txarango's cd because despite perhaps now I' dont listen more than before I' like them. So few months ago thee gruop make a new cd and the new things that have these cd is for example have a differents sings with differents singers who they have colaborated with the group, and finlly not only these also they sing with spanish and catalan and I' m not safe if they maybe sing some sing with english.
Last thing I'want say who may be I'm not accustomed with these cd and in a one future while I' listen the sings the new cd everytime like more but nowadays only like somesings but the anterior cd happen the same and finally I love Som Riu I don't know how go with El cor de la Terra...
While I' like these I' don't have a problem to sing and may be is a 80's sings or may be is a reaggeton sing but if I like I sing and zero problems. But I' want speak about txarango's cd because despite perhaps now I' dont listen more than before I' like them. So few months ago thee gruop make a new cd and the new things that have these cd is for example have a differents sings with differents singers who they have colaborated with the group, and finlly not only these also they sing with spanish and catalan and I' m not safe if they maybe sing some sing with english.
Carnival 2k17
In these post I want speak about that passed carnival 2017 because forme have been one of the best carnivals from I' remember who I do it. Two years ago when my carnival's group of always was desappear I' was some years without I' didn't celebrate a carnival, but have creaated a faantastic group with people who I' knew and the naame is "Los Resurgidos"
So last year I' was with they and it was spectacular, and these year have decided make come more people and my school friends have disfrassed with them. Between my school friends and the ambient with carnvial friends all these toghether have been fantastic.
Finally I' want say who no only we come Castelló and Empuriabrava, no, also firstly have gone Roses, St Pere and finally to close that incredible festival finally have gone Castelló. I' wait that next year will be like or more yet wonderful that these year!!!
So last year I' was with they and it was spectacular, and these year have decided make come more people and my school friends have disfrassed with them. Between my school friends and the ambient with carnvial friends all these toghether have been fantastic.
Finally I' want say who no only we come Castelló and Empuriabrava, no, also firstly have gone Roses, St Pere and finally to close that incredible festival finally have gone Castelló. I' wait that next year will be like or more yet wonderful that these year!!!
diumenge, 12 de març del 2017
My research project
My research project is about the place names of Castelló d' Empúries and is divided into three parts. Theoretical part, practical part, and finally my conclusions. Firstly I have explained the mean of Onomastic science and toponomy. After, that I classificed the place names. Secondly I have collected every place name of Castelló with the help of topographyc mans and also I have asked people who live in Castelló to give me more information about all of them.
[Miquel, Norden and Aina, a group of three friends, were sitting on a table into a bar. They haven’t seen each other for a long time, thus they decide to explain themselves what are their future plans: what they are going to study at university, with whom they are going to share flat next years, etc.]
-Aina: Hi guys! What’s going on?
-Norden: Hello Aina, I’m doing well but I’m tired of my TDR and what’s up with you, Miquel?
-Miquel: I’m fine too, but I don’t want to do the TDR, it is such a long work…
-Aina: Yes I agree with you. I’ think we are in the same nightmare! I have been doing a little bit of my TdR project and I have to say that, even it is a hard work and a heavy one, I am learning lots of things, and overall, I am knowing new points of view about social media world and life. Incidentally, do you already know what are you going to do in a few months?
-Norden: I would like to do something connected with sports. Maybe CAFEM, an education cycle. I have been always passionately in sports, since I was little. I have been practising taekwondo and it has taught me many things in live. Success usually demands commitment, so you can apply these values in other aspects of life. Also you learn how to focus in something and fight for your goals, to not give up even when going gets tough, among others. It can sound a little far out, but trust me when I tell you that sports can contribute in many daily life situations.
-Miquel: You have became an authentic philosopher, haven’t you? It becomes clearer to me everyday, what I want to do. I will go to university and try to get an history degree. This is what I feel so comfortable with. I love history because I like to know our past, you can become a worship person and history is where all comes from. I like to know who faced the music when thing turn into the worst situation and whom fled. So I think it can be interesting and useful in the future, and my opinion is that everybody should have a minimal knowledge of our past.
-Aina: They both seem to be great ideas. In my case, I would also want to go to university, Pompeu Fabra University, and get a business degree. Even I am not enjoying at all business subject this year, because of selectivity pression, I know I was born for numbers and for manage money. I can spend our in front of a paper doing monetary calculations and having new ideas of products that can stand out in the market. So, meeting myself requirements, I think going to Pompeu Fabra, the best university in economic area, I can learn a mount of new concepts.
-Miquel: Ow! Brilliant. Maybe we will meet there. Are you going to share a flat?
-Aina: Yes. It can be a really good experience and you can know the most deepest part of you. I mean, find out parts you don’t even know about yourself, your weaknesses and you strengths, etc. Maybe, I’m not pretty sure, I will share it with Mariona Isern, from 2nd Batxillerat A. Do you know her?
-Miquel: Yes, Of course! I also want to share flat with my colleagues . I want to change my lifestyle: go out to parties, meet new people, concentrate on studies and live the life.
-Aina: Hahahahah! I see that you are looking forward to it, aren’t you? Actually, I would go so far as to say that those are the plans all teenagers are waiting for impatiently.
-Norden: Hey! I’m still here! Do you want to know about me or shall I leave?
-Norden: Waiter can you give me some water, please?
Waiter: Yes, sure! “What an annoying group” .
-Miquel: No, no. Don’t be impatient: Tell us about you.
-Norden: Hahaha! Ok. So as you said before, I also want to live the life . So I think I’ll find someone who I could share a flat with and I also want to keep going to gym everyday so i can keep my body in perfect conditions like I’m doing now. Then I’ll come here, to Riumors, with the family, at the weekends, to remember the old times . You are going to come to your family houses too, aren’t you?
-Aina: Yes, family will always be here, so we must come back every weekend just to remember them that they have to clean our clothes hahahha.
No, that’s a joke. If we want to be independent, we have to clean our things.
-Miquel: I absolutely agree with you guys. I think I have to go. It was really good to see you and talk with you. See you soon.
-Norden: Good bye Miquel. See you next day
-Aina: See you Miquel, don’t drink too much tonight at new year party.
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